Yellow Stone

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■1999/09/07(月) Grand Canyon of Yellowsto…

Yellow Stone

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■1999/09/06 (日) Grand Canyon of Yellowst…

Yellow Stone

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■1999/09/06(日) Lake Village & Mud Vo…

Yellow Stone

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■1999/09/06(日) Geyser Basin & Biscui…

Yellow Stone

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■1999/09/06(日) Geyser Basin & Biscui…

Yellow Stone

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■1999/09/06(日) Old Faithful昨日は到着が夕方だったため…

Yellow Stone

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■1999/09/05(土) Old Faithful   &nbsp…

Yellow Stone

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■1999/09/05(土)  Norris道端にたくさん車が停まっているから…

Yellow Stone

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■1999/09/05(土) Mammoth Hot Springs何か、Mi…

Yellow Stone

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