Washington D.C.

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The White House2000/04/01説明も不要と思われる、ホワイト…

Washington D.C.

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Lincoln Memorial2000/04/01Lincoln Memori…

Washington D.C.

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Washington Monument2000/04/01D.C.のシンボルとも…

Washington D.C.

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2000/02/06Washington Square Park5th Avを南…

Las Vegas

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■2000/01/30 (SUN) RIO Hotel The World Wi…

Las Vegas

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■1/29/2000 (Sat)今日は、ウン回目の誕生日である。なのに、ナゼにひ…

Death Valley

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▲Olympus C2000Z■1/28/2000 (Fri)昨夜遅くに到着した…

Las Vegas

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1/27/2000 (Thu)仕事を終えて、夜8:30の飛行機に乗るために空港へ…


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